Surprise! We got married. Come to our party!

Anna and Matt

May 26th 2023... and also 2024


How should I get there?

We'd recommend bringing sensible shoes to do the 1.5km walk to the pub, or booking your taxi in advance.


There will be no guaranteed parking available for guests at the venue!

What do I have to wear?

We're going to be dressed relatively nicely, but there's no strict dress code. Think lounge suits or summer garden party. Flowery dresses are fine, nice suits, or chinos and a shirt. See the pictures below if you want some inspiration.

What about the weather?

The Met Office says it's reasonably likely to rain, but we'll be in a marquee (with flooring). There may be muddy bits around the pub, as it's right next to a river.


 We got married without telling (almost all of) you because we thought it would be funny.


Please allow us to make it up to you by buying you dinner and drinks at a lovely pub in Oxford.

What did I miss?

The ceremony happened on the 26th May 2023. It was in Oxford with immediate family only, so that you could skip the boring stuff and only join for the fun bit.

I called it!

Not a question, but frequently said. Well done! You called it. Congrats on settling your bet.

Can I bring my +1?

We've tried to name partners and plus ones on your invite! If they're not named, let us know.

Where should I stay?

There are loads of places to stay in Oxford, and there's a list further down the page. It's a bank holiday weekend, so you might want to book something in advance

Should I bring a gift?

Given that we didn't actually tell you that we were getting married, it'd be unfair for us to ask for anything.

Please feel free to buy us a drink or make a donation to the Trussell Trust in our names.


Are you changing your names?


Is there a boat?



We've sent you a card in the post, which is hopefully how you found this website. You can RSVP by sending it back to us (you'll have to buy your own stamps. We spent the stamp money on dinner), by emailing us at or by filling in this form.

Dresscode, Dinner and Drinks, Timeline

Dress Code

We'd suggest lounge suits or similar. Dressing up can be fun, but make sure your outfit is suitable for being in a tent in a pub garden. There should be photos in the gallery of what we'll be wearing if that's a helpful guideline.


Dinner and Drinks

There will be a dinner buffet and a bar. The buffet will have vegetarian and gluten free options, but make sure you let us know your requirements in advance. It'll be a casual affair, so not a sit down dinner. Grab a plate and a drink and please talk to people!


We'll put some money behind the bar to cover fizz and a firkin of real ale; there will also be a selection of soft drinks and spirits (it's a full pub bar) but you may have to buy those yourself.



  • 16:00: Guests arrive, drinks and canapes served

  • 18:00: Buffet served

  • 19:00: Pudding served

  • 23.30: Recorded music finishes

  • 23:45: Bar closes

  • 00:00: Taxis, and you all go to bed.



Anna and Matt

26th May 2023